1982* in Toulouse, France
lives and works in Berlin
2023 Post-master “Decolonizing architecture” at the Royal Art Institute, Stockholm SE
2018 “Exercising Modernity” Academy, Pilecki Institute, Berlin DE / Gdynia PL
2017 Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt, Postgraduate
Program for Women Artists, Berlin, DE
2007 MA of Art and Design, École Nationale Supérieure
des Beaux-Arts de Toulouse, France
2004 BA of Architecture, École Nationale Supérieure
d´Architecture de Toulouse, France
> Residency grant, PIER 2 Art, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
> Publication grant “Publish Now”, KAI10 Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf
> Publication grant, Berliner Senat, Berlin
> Shortlisted for public art, Alice Salomon Hochschule, Berlin
> (S)pace, BB15, Linz, Austria, 2025
> (S)pace, Galerie einBuch.haus, Berlin, 2025
> 28e rencontres Internationales, Traverse Vidéo, Toulouse, 2025
> Public art in a future subway station, Tisséo, Toulouse, 2030
A w a r d s & g r a n t s
2024 Publication grant, “Publish Now”, KAI10 Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf
Video Prize, 3rd, 16th IN/OUT Festival, Laznia Contemporary, Gdansk PL
2023 Urban Space Film Prize, Hans-Peter Zimmer Stiftung, Düsseldorf
Funding from Institut Für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA), DE
Funding from the Wüstenrot Stiftung, DE
Funding from Berlin-Lichtenberg City Council, DE
2022 Shortlisted for the international Allegro Prize hosted by Contemporary Lynx
Nominated for the 7e Prix Révélation Livre d’artiste ADAGP 2022, Paris FR
Draussenstadt (duo project), Berliner Projektfonds Urbane Praxis, DE Funding from Goethe Institut Poland
Winner of “Art lives here” (in-situ art work), NYX Hotel, Warsaw PL
Neustart Kultur grant, Kunstfonds Bonn, DE
Funding from Bureau des Arts Plastiques, Institut Français Berlin, DE Funding for an exhibition, Institut Français Tel Aviv, Israël
2021 Modul D digital grant, Deutscher Künstlerbund, DE
Funding from Berlin-Pankow City Council, DE
Funding from Bureau des Arts Plastiques, Institut Français Berlin, DE
2020 Funding from Goethe Institut Alexandria, Egypt
Annual Working grant, Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn
2019 Pilecki Institute cultural scolarship, Warsaw
Funding from Berlin Steglitz-Zehlendorf City Council
2016 Winner of the Celeste Prize, category video, curated by Ellen Blumenstein
R e s i d e n c y g r a n t s
2025 PAIR artist-in-residence, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2024 TRAME, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, FR
S(pace), “Sounds like a book” residency grant, Sona, Romania, 2024
2023 Kiosko, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
2022 Goethe Institut + Roam residency at Printing Arts Center TYPA, Tartu EE
Art lives here, NYX Hotel Residency, Warsaw PL
Liebling Haus – White City center, Tel Aviv, Israël
2020 Villa Champollion, Alexandria, Institut Français Egypte & B’Sarya
an• other here residency, Berlin-Schlachtensee
2019 KARA Kooshk Residency, Tehran, Iran
Offcity AIR, Pardubice, Czech Republic
NCCA St Petersburg, Russia
2018 Palais des Paris in Takasaki, Japan
2015 Kulturamt Linz, Salzamt, Austria
Kulturamt Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, Germany
P u b l i c a r t
2025 Shortlisted at the Alice Salomon Hochschule, Berlin
2022 Shortlisted at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Gymnasium, Berlin
2021 Shortlisted for a public art installation at the future Archäologischen Haus
am Petriplatz, Berlin
Winner of a public art installation in a future subway station, Toulouse, FR
(planned for 2028)
Winner for an installation on the façade of Beaux-Arts de Châteauroux, FR
S o l o s h o w s
2023 Architecture is frozen music, The Reference art space, Seoul, KR
A never-ending stone, Roam project space, Berlin DE
2022 Architecture is frozen music #8, White City Center Liebling Haus, Tel Aviv IL
First monography, EinBuch.haus gallery, Berlin DE
2021 Bautoleranz, Loop – raum für aktuelles Kunst, Berlin DE
2020 Architecture is frozen music #7, B’sarya for Arts, Alexandria EG
Askese der Schatten, Galerie Weisser Elefant, Berlin, DE
Vis-a-vis, Weekend Architektury, Gdynia, PL
2018 Element.A project, Berlin Art Week
Laure Catugier, Idiom, Takasaki, Japan
Things Get Heavy, Sonntag, Berlin
2016 Schlagschatten/Ombre Portée, Institut Français, Düsseldorf
2015 Found Footage, Fenster 61, Berlin
2014 Blind Spot, Epicentro artspace, Berlin
2013 Cyclorama, Paolo Erbetta Gallery, Berlin
G r o u p s h o w s (selection)
2024 Flat and Square, Het Archief, Rotterdam, NL
Taa/she, Femina 8 festival, Cinematheque of Macedonia, MK
2023 7. Urban Video Walk, Kunstweltzimmer, Düsseldorf
Ornament und Verbrechen, duo show at lage Egal, Berlin
Soft Ground, BHROX Bauhaus-reuse, Berlin
2022 DA! Art-Award, Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf, DE
Auf der Schwelle, Galerie Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch, Berlin
INOUT festival, Laznia Contemporary Art Center, Gdansk, PL
Lines Fiction by Anonymous Drawings, Galerie am Körnerpark, Berlin
25e rencontres internationales, Traverse Video festival, Toulouse, FR
I’m One and also Two, MASQ, Sultan Foundation, Cairo EG
2021 Oscillations, Lavitrine, Limoges, FR
Heimat, Herz, Orte, Galerie Bernau, Bernau bei Berlin
FIVAC, Video Art Festival of Camaüey, Cuba
2020 In Sonora 11 , Aspa Contemporary Gallery, Madrid
Ibrida Festival elle arts intermediali, Forli, Italy
2019 Transfuges, curated by Le Bail, Voltaire Mécénat Emerige, Paris
Spagat, JDZB Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin
Crossing Boundaries, Artum Foundation Ewa Partum, Galeria Studio,
Cultural Palace Warsaw (C)
Objectivity, 24H POZ/BRL project, Museum Night Poznan, Poland
Back Of(f) Future, 48h Neukölln, Retramp Gallery, Berlin
2018 Facing North Korea, koreanisches Kulturzentrum, Berlin
OFF THE WALL, Arts + Literature Laboratory’s third annual video art screening, Madison, U.S.
Festival des Artes Binnar, Museu da Indústria Têxtil, Famalicão, Portugal
Festival Oodaaq, Maison des Associations, Rennes, France
2017 Soft Edges, Tête, Berlin
Mind the space, in the framework of Berlin Art Week Prize Award,
Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt exhibition, Studio 1 Bethanien, Berlin (C)
A Hard Place, Centraltrak gallery, Dallas, U.S.
Ultra Topos, FABRIKculture, Basel, Switzerland
Jeune Création 67° édition, Thaddeus Roppac, gallery Paris
Kunstbrücken, Rosengarten, Forst (Lausitz), Germany
Printemps de l´Art Contemporain, an invitation by Emmanuel Simon
in Astérides, Friche La Belle de Mai, Marseille, France
2016 Celeste Prize, Bargehouse at OXO Warf Tower, London
Hotel Europa, Concordia art center, Enschede, Netherlands
Neue Heimat, Weisser Elefant, Kommunale Galerie Mitte, Berlin
Volume, Onomato Künstlerverein, Düsseldorf
2015 Inordinate | Démesuré | Unmässig, Atelier am Eck, Düsseldorf, Germany
Blank, Asia contemporary art platform Non-Berlin, Berlin
2014 Wi(e)dersehen, Month of photography OFF Berlin, L´espace de
l´espèce, Berlin
Berlin Unlimited, Festival for art, architecture & urbanistics,
Zentrum für Kunst & Urbanistik Berlin
P u b l i c a t i o n s
2025 Book-objekt “A Never-Ending Stone”, edited with einBuch.haus gallery
2023 Book-object “Architecture is Frozen Music#”, a project with AMBruno (London) and coedited with einBuch.haus gallery
2022 Book-object “Architecture is Frozen Music” edition II, coedited with einBuch.haus gallery and Naima Editions
2021 “Architecture is Frozen Music”, Naima Editions (Paris/Berlin), epub
P r e s s
2023 “Dar forma a lo inmaterial, Laure Catugier en Santa Cruz de la Sierra”, Jorge Luna Ortuño, Artishock Revista (online), august 2023, Bolivia
“Ein Buch in Form einer Ausstellung”, Streifband Magazin HTWK Leipzig, 41st Ed., p.22, DE
2021 Katrin Bettina Müller: “Ob das eine gute Idee war?” in newspaper TAZ Berlin, 12 january, DE
2020 Matthias Reichelt: Kunst & Markt, in newspaper Tagesspiegel, 17 oct, p.22, DE
2019 Y. Suto & F. Weigel: “le Palais des paris”, in Artpress cahier n°468, juillet- août, p.17, FR
2019 Cover picture and interview in newspaper TAZ Berlin, 3 january, DE
2018 Interview with Julien Verhaeghe, revue Possible critique d’ art
contemporain, december, FR
Openfield, revue ouverte sur le paysage, online, june, FR
2017 Brennpunkt Magazin für Fotografie, Berlin, oct- dec, p.78-79, DE
2016 Der Greif, online photo magazine, march, DE
2015 “Ewig übersehen”, in Die Welt kompakt, 24 sept, p.16., DE
Gauthier Lesturgie: “White squares”, in Inter art Actuel, n°121,
automn, p.66, Quebec CA
KIOSK n°71, edition DEL´ART, march, FR/DE
2014 Luciano Marucci: ” L´arte della Sopravvivenza”, in : Juliet Art magazine,
n°167, April, p.49, IT
L e c t u r e & j u r y
2022 Seminar “artistic portfolio”, BBB centre d’art, Toulouse FR
2021 Lecture “Stadtbild” at the Weissensee Art School, Berlin DE
Seminar “Préparation à la vie professionnelle”, Beaux-Arts de Toulouse FR
Coaching course for Saudi artists, Goethe Institut
Lecture at the Bilkent University (architecture Dept), Ankara TR
Photocollage workshops, Bernau bei Berlin DE
2019 Jeune Création 69e édition, video selection, Fondation Fiminco, Paris
2018 Jeune Création 68e édition, video selection, Beaux-Arts de Paris
O t h e r p a r t i c i p a t i o n s
2022 Permanent artistic intervention, NYX Hotel Warsaw, Poland
2018 Permanent art installation, Bedroom n°35, Hôtel des Beaux Arts, Toulouse
2014 Artefiera Bologna Art fair, Bologna, Paolo Erbetta Gallery IT
2013 Flash Art Art fair, Milano, Paolo Erbetta Gallery IT
C o l l e c t i o n s
Tate Library and Archive ; National Art Library ; Victoria and Albert Museum ; British Library, London, UK
The New York Public Library, US
Hyundai MOKA museum, Seoul, KR
WMA, WYNG Foundation, Hong Kong
Klingspor Museum, Offenbach am Main, DE
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Réserve des livres rares, Paris, FR
Qatar Foundation, VCUQ library, Doha, Qatar
Permanent art collection of Artefiera Bologna, IT
Collection FRAC PACA, fonds Livres & Editions, Marseille
P o r t f o l i o w i t h f u l l v i d e o s o n r e q u e s t : lcatugier@gmail.com